Chow Time at Lerk Thai SG

It was ironic that it wasn’t easy for us to find a place to eat in Singapore on our first day. Though I’ve known much about Hawker centres scattered around the metro, my travel mates just weren’t ready for that kind of food adventure. So to play it safe, we all agreed to try Lerk Thai just around Bugis Village.

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Singapore is peppered with a lot of food options. From street food to fine dining, Chinese, Thai, and Indian. I must say that this country has it all.

With our hotel just a short walk from Bugis Village, we decided to dine at Lerk Thai. It was an unassuming place. I had no idea how Thai food was served here. So to play it safe, I tried the following:

1) Pad Thai

Lerk Thai's Pad Thai Noodles tasted alright. My palette for this dish isn't as varied. The only variation I can compare it to is the one at Som's here in Manila- which is flavorful and more intense.

2) Red Rubies in Coconut Milk

The only reason I got this was because it looked SO DELICIOUS. It was a total mystery for me what the rubies were actually made of. I was torn to think if it's tapioca or sticky rice. It was quite good though I prefer adding a bit of condensed milk to the shaved ice.

3) Lerk Thai Milk Tea

I'm just obsessed with milk tea. And don't get me started on that. Lerk Thai's blend was a bit bland. But was enjoyable at some point especially the mixing part. It was lightly sweet... But I'd still stick with Wintermelon @ Moonleaf.

4) Crisps

It was standard to get some munchers while waiting for your order. This one was horrible. They weren't crispy anymore when served to us. Skip this...

More pictures below:

Lerk Thai is still worth a try. But if you want a no-frills, gastronomic experience, nothing beats the Hawker centres. It’s like food mecca in there. Reserve Lerk Thai for more formal occasions.


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