Taipei Food Finds -Street Food

Taipei is sprawling with street food stalls and carts. Sometimes they just pop up literally right in front of you!

The food scene in Taipei is an assault on the senses just like in many Asian countries I have visited. I have to admit though, this city is clean and organized despite the chaotic urban scene. There are many things to try and sink your teeth into but here are some of the memorable street food picks I’d like to share with you.

1. Glazed Fruits

Here’s something to start with — glazed fruits. On the outside, they look so attractive and delicious, like plump glossy candies filled with sweetness. But don’t be fooled! The round ones are actually glazed tomatoes to which I will leave up to you to decide if it is good or not! 😂 The pointy tipped fruits are actually strawberries. Well they’re way better but they were kind of too sour for me! They look good on photo though…

2. Pork Floss Rice Sandwich

On to better options! I just found this guy selling this on the street. It reminded me of the McDonald’s Rice Burger that was introduced in the Philippines for a while then discontinued in 2008. I think this one is better because in between the flattened sticky rice was a generous filling of pork floss and half a boiled egg!

3. Fried Stuff

I really don’t know how else to call it. But that’s what it is! Taipei’s streets are filled with food carts selling fried meats and what not. This guy literally just unfolded this cart and started frying these sausages. And yes they were quite good! But never ask me what these are called because I was just literally doing charades with the guy when I ordered! 😂

4. Cream Filled Churro

They call it “cream puff” but I think it’s an oversized churro with filling. It was a cheap and sweet dessert / snack as I walked the busy shopping streets of Ximending. I think this was really more of a kid’s thing but I like the crispy shell combined with the cold creamy custard. The filling comes in different flavors too.

5. Street Ice Cream

Ice cream is always a nice finisher and palette cleanser after a heavy meal. It’s also a fun pick-me-up kind of snack on a hot day in Taipei. This one is a combination of taro and strawberry and the yellow one is mango. They can actually make this really tall but we were opted for something more manageable. 😂

I still have more food finds to share in Taipei in separate posts so stay tuned!


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